There is no better way to start 2025 than by setting ourselves apart all together afresh before God - which is why we are asking all who can, to be involved, as much as they are able, in hungering after God. Please join in by praying and fasting (from food) as much as you are able in the first 21 days of 2025. We are wanting to set a climate for the year to come - full of expectation, hope, and longing for God's empowering presence.
The Bible speaks about fasting in both the Old and New Testaments. It is a spiritual discipline that would often accompany prayer. We see Jesus himself modelling fasting. In the gospel of Luke (Luke 4:1-14), we read that before the start of his own earthly ministry, Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness for an extended period of fasting and prayer. A time of seeking his Father’s face in prayer, a time of wrestling with and overcoming the evil one, a time of dealing with the flesh and a time of preparation for what was to come. In the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), we are called to go and make disciples. Disciples are learners, followers of Jesus and as Christian disciples, our desire is to model our life on his teaching and example, following “His Way.” Biblically, fasting is always giving up food for a set period of time in order to focus on prayer and to deepen fellowship with God, seeking him with our heart, soul, mind and strength. In Matthew 6:16, we see Jesus addressing the topic of fasting, which was a subject that was very much in the rhythm of the Jews at that time. However, he starts off by saying, “When you fast,” not “If you fast.” In other words, there is an expectation that as followers of Jesus, we would engage in this spiritual discipline on a regular basis. Fasting in the scriptures There are many references in the scriptures about fasting; sometimes the kind of fast is specified (e.g., No food, No Food or Drink etc.), and at other times the type of fast is not specified, but the understanding is that it is generally abstinence from food. Setting apart other things or choosing not to focus on them during this period can aid your fellowship with God as you abstain from food. You can use some of the scriptures below to reflect and study more about fasting: Exodus 34:28, Judges 20:26, 1 Samuel 7:6, 1 Samuel 31:13, 2 Samuel 1:12, 2 Samuel 12:16, 2 Chronicles 20:3-4, Ezra 8:21-23, Ezra 10:6, Nehemiah 1:4, Nehemiah 9:1, Esther 4:16, Isaiah 58:3, Jeremiah 36:6, Daniel 1:12, Daniel 9:3, Jonah 3:5, Matthew 4:2, Matthew 17:21, Luke 2:36-37, Acts 9:9, Acts 14:23
Click below to read about fasting over the 21 days
Ways to get involved
Three zoom prayer meetings each day
At 6am, 1pm, and 10pm for each of our 21 days there will be an opportunity to join in our zoom half hour of prayer together, why don't you try and join us daily at one of those times during these days? Zoom details are below:
Meeting ID: 822 0769 7880
Passcode: 529842
Praying in
the chapel
Throughout the 21 days in January, between Mon - Friday, 9am - 5pm, the chapel will be available for you to come and pray. Booking is not required.
Night of Prayer Vigil
17 Jan 2025
On the Friday 17th January we will have a night of prayer, beginning Friday night at 11pm and ending on Saturday at 6am