The Friends In Need Fund (FIN) is one of the ways we enjoy family life at St Bs.
This is a year-round fund, paid into by all kinds of people in St Bs, from which gifts are given to individuals and families in the church family who are in need.
FIN gifts are from the congregations, to the congregations and designed simply to bless and encourage.
How to give to the FIN Fund
If you would like to give to the fund, you can do so by direct bank transfer to our bank account (include FIN in the reference).
Our bank details are:
Sort Code: 60-15-20
Account Number: 31658091
Remember that if you are registered for Gift Aid, we can claim 25% extra from the government. If you give by bank transfer, are a UK-taxpayer, but have not yet completed a gift aid form, please complete the form here and send it to junearnold@stbarnabas.co.uk
How to request a FIN Fund gift
We want to extend small gifts to bless each other in this time and help with some of the most immediate and critical needs, although we are not able give large amounts of money e.g. to pay rent or debts.
The two criteria we use to award gifts are:
1) to members of St Barnabas who participate in the life of our church family; and
2) where a gift of £50-100 will make a significant difference, e.g. to buy food when otherwise that is not possible
To apply to receive a gift, please complete the form here.
If you have already received a gift, but are still struggling financially, then please do get in touch with us, as we may be able to give you a second gift.
Some lives recently touched by the FIN Fund: